Sunday, February 18, 2018

Java Enum Type

An enum type is a special data type that enables for a variable to be a set of predefined constants. The variable must be equal to one of the values that have been predefined for it. Common examples include compass directions (values of NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST) and the days of the week.

Because they are constants, the names of an enum type's fields are in uppercase letters.

In the Java programming language, you define an enum type by using the enum keyword. For example, you would specify a days-of-the-week enum type as:
public enum Day {

You should use enum types any time you need to represent a fixed set of constants. 

Enum with String values:

Option One: use the built-in name() on an enum
    String name =; // Returns the name of this enum constant, exactly as declared in its enum declaration.
Option Two: add overriding properties to your enums if you want more control
public enum Modes {
    mode1 ("Fancy Mode 1"),
    mode2 ("Fancy Mode 2"),
    mode3 ("Fancy Mode 3");

    private final String name;       

    private Modes(String s) {
        name = s;

    public boolean equalsName(String otherName) {
        // (otherName == null) check is not needed because name.equals(null) returns false 
        return name.equals(otherName);

    public String toString() {
Option Three: use static finals instead of enums:
public final class Modes {

    public static final String MODE_1 = "Fancy Mode 1";
    public static final String MODE_2 = "Fancy Mode 2";
    public static final String MODE_3 = "Fancy Mode 3";

    private Modes() { }
Option Four: interfaces have every field public, static and final:
public interface Modes {

    String MODE_1 = "Fancy Mode 1";
    String MODE_2 = "Fancy Mode 2";
    String MODE_3 = "Fancy Mode 3";  

    public enum Rank { 
        DEUCE  (2 , "Two"  ),
        THREE  (3 , "Three"), 
        FOUR   (4 , "Four" ), 
        FIVE   (5 , "Five" ), 
        SIX    (6 , "Six"  ), 
        SEVEN  (7 , "Seven"),
        EIGHT  (8 , "Eight"), 
        NINE   (9 , "Nine" ), 
        TEN    (10, "Ten"  ), 
        JACK   (11, "Jack" ),
        QUEEN  (12, "Queen"), 
        KING   (13, "King" ),
        ACE    (14, "Ace"  );
        private final int value;
        private final String text;
        Rank(int value, String text) {
            this.value = value;
            this.text = text;
        public int value() {return value;}
        public String text() {return text;}


  1. All java enum implicitly extends java.lang.Enum class that extends Object class and implements Serializable and Comparable interfaces. So we can’t extend any class in enum.
  2. Since enum is a keyword, we can’t end package name with it, for example com.journaldev.enum is not a valid package name.
  3. Enum can implement interfaces. As in above enum example, it’s implementing Closeable interface.
  4. Enum constructors are always private.
  5. We can’t create instance of enum using new operator.
  6. We can declare abstract methods in java enum, then all the enum fields must implement the abstract method. In above example getDetail() is the abstract method and all the enum fields have implemented it.
  7. We can define a method in enum and enum fields can override them too. For example, toString()method is defined in enum and enum field START has overridden it.
  8. Java enum fields has namespace, we can use enum field only with class name like ThreadStates.START
  9. Enums can be used in switch statement, we will see it in action in the later part of this tutorial.
  10. We can extend existing enum without breaking any existing functionality. For example, we can add a new field NEW in ThreadStates enum without impacting any existing functionality.
  11. Since enum fields are constants, java best practice is to write them in block letters and underscore for spaces. For example EAST, WEST, EAST_DIRECTION etc.
  12. Enum constants are implicitly static and final
  13. Enum constants are final but it’s variable can still be changed. For example, we can use setPriority() method to change the priority of enum constants. We will see it in usage in below example.
  14. Since enum constants are final, we can safely compare them using “==” and equals() methods. Both will have the same result.

  1. Question: True or false: an Enum type can be a subclass of java.lang.String.Answer: False. All enums implicitly extend java.lang.Enum. Because a class can only extend one parent, the Java language does not support multiple inheritance of state, and therefore an enum cannot extend anything else.

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