Saturday, February 17, 2018

How to Throw Exceptions

Adapted from

The throw statement requires a single argument: a throwable object. Throwable objects are instances of any subclass of the Throwable class. Here's an example of a throw statement.

throw someThrowableObject;  // Note: here is an object

Throwable Class and Its Subclasses

The objects that inherit from the Throwable class include direct descendants (objects that inherit directly from the Throwable class) and indirect descendants (objects that inherit from children or grandchildren of the Throwable class). The figure below illustrates the class hierarchy of the Throwable class and its most significant subclasses. As you can see, Throwable has two direct descendants: Error andException.
The Throwable class and its most significant subclasses.
The Throwable class.

Error Class

When a dynamic linking failure or other hard failure in the Java virtual machine occurs, the virtual machine throws an Error. Simple programs typically do not catch or throw Errors.

Exception Class

An Exception indicates that a problem occurred, but it is not a serious system problem. Most programs you write will throw and catch Exceptions as opposed to Errors.
The Java platform defines the many descendants of the Exception class. These descendants indicate various types of exceptions that can occur. For example, IllegalAccessException signals that a particular method could not be found, and NegativeArraySizeException indicates that a program attempted to create an array with a negative size.
One Exception subclass, RuntimeException, is reserved for exceptions that indicate incorrect use of an API. An example of a runtime exception is NullPointerException, which occurs when a method tries to access a member of an object through a null reference. 

A program can use exceptions to indicate that an error occurred. To throw an exception, use the throw statement and provide it with an exception object — a descendant of Throwable — to provide information about the specific error that occurred. A method that throws an uncaught, checked exception must include a throws clause in its declaration.
A program can catch exceptions by using a combination of the trycatch, and finally blocks.
  • The try block identifies a block of code in which an exception can occur.
  • The catch block identifies a block of code, known as an exception handler, that can handle a particular type of exception.
  • The finally block identifies a block of code that is guaranteed to execute, and is the right place to close files, recover resources, and otherwise clean up after the code enclosed in the try block.
The try statement should contain at least one catch block or a finally block and may have multiple catch blocks.
The class of the exception object indicates the type of exception thrown. The exception object can contain further information about the error, including an error message. With exception chaining, an exception can point to the exception that caused it, which can in turn point to the exception that caused it, and so on.

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